(200)Mutant Toad Lord
Attribute :Ohra
Level :200
Movement :Moderate
HP :180,000
HP regen :100 HP/sec
EXP :120,000
Minimum defense :600
No crit. defense :650
Minimum damage :115 HP
Attack speed :1 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :115 HP/sec
Dien drop :6,500 ~ 150,000 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 10 HP

- Noraphat

Can transform from:
(200)Ankle Biter
(240)Elite Ankle Biter
(280)Master Ankle Biter
(320)Champion Ankle Biter
(400)Legendary Ankle Biter
(200)Mutant Toad
(240)Elite Mutant Toad
(280)Master Mutant Toad
(320)Champion Mutant Toad
(400)Legendary Mutant Toad
(200)Mutant Spider
(240)Elite Mutant Spider
(280)Master Mutant Spider
(320)Champion Mutant Spider
(400)Legendary Mutant Spider
(200)Mutant Bee
(240)Elite Mutant Bee
(280)Master Mutant Bee
(320)Champion Mutant Bee
(400)Legendary Mutant Bee
(200)Mutant Hornet
(240)Elite Mutant Hornet
(280)Master Mutant Hornet
(320)Champion Mutant Hornet
(400)Legendary Mutant Hornet
(200)Mutant Monkey
(240)Elite Mutant Monkey
(280)Master Mutant Monkey
(320)Champion Mutant Monkey
(400)Legendary Mutant Monkey
(200)Mutant Bear
(240)Elite Mutant Bear
(280)Master Mutant Bear
(320)Champion Mutant Bear
(400)Legendary Mutant Bear

Can Drop:
1xViol's Eye+21xHai-ring L7

1xHai-ring L71xBuffalo Leather

1xCopper Bar1xHai-ring L7

1xHorn of Cow1xSteel Bar

1xLump of Zinc1xRed Leather

1xRed Linen1xHorn of Buffalo

1xRough Lead1xCobal

1xUnrefined Silver1xGreat White Pearl

1xFeather of Corbin1xHealing Potion+3

1xLump of Tin1xViol's Eye+2

1xHai-ring L71xHai-ring L7

1xBuffalo Leather1xCopper Bar

1xHai-ring L71xHorn of Cow

1xSteel Bar1xLump of Zinc

1xRed Leather1xRed Linen

1xHorn of Buffalo1xRough Lead

1xCobal1xUnrefined Silver

1xGreat White Pearl1xFeather of Corbin

1xHealing Potion+31xLump of Tin