(10)Red Muru with horn
Attribute :Ohra
Level :10
Movement :Slow
HP :333
HP regen :5 HP/sec
Minimum defense :24
No crit. defense :27
Minimum damage :1 HP
Attack speed :1.2 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :1.2 HP/sec
Dien drop :30 ~ 75 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 50 HP

- Forest of Darkness- Kamshakata
- Fury of Mankut- Entrance of Swamp
- Forest of Chaos- Underground Tomb

Can Drop:
3xTears of Red Muru1xTears of Red Muru with Horn

5xTears of Red Muru with Horn5xTears of Red Muru

1xTears of Red Muru3xTears of Red Muru with Horn

3xTears of Red Muru1xTears of Red Muru with Horn

5xTears of Red Muru with Horn5xTears of Red Muru

1xTears of Red Muru3xTears of Red Muru with Horn