(75)Red Mangrott
Attribute :Yelba
Level :75
Movement :Moderate
HP :3,850
HP regen :75 HP/sec
EXP :700
Minimum defense :75
No crit. defense :200
Minimum damage :6 HP
Attack speed :1.3 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :7.8 HP/sec
Dien drop :55 ~ 1,000 Dien

- Underground Tomb

Can Drop:
1xYak Horn Bronze Dagger1xHangug Shard

1xUlaan Helmet1xSharp Stone Point Wood Nang

1xTri Point Stone Nang1xLarge Bronze Nang

1xWing Sword1xBronze Dagger

1xDragon Sword1xTashuna Helmet

1xSnake Sword1xStone of Water

1xScroll(Weapon of Kanar)3xLump of Gold

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xStone of Wind

1xStone of Earth1xStone of Fire

1xSnake's Scale1xViol's Eye+1

1xBlue Pebble1xRed Pebble

1xLump of Iron2xLump of Gold

1xLimonite1xScroll(Armor of Kanar)

1xScroll(The Diary of Kanar)1xMysterious Powder of Kanar

2xLump of Silver1xLimestone