(141)Black Kang-hi
Attribute :None
Level :141
Movement :Fast
HP :38,000
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :19,500
Minimum defense :455
No crit. defense :485
Minimum damage :40 HP
Attack speed :1.2 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :48 HP/sec
Dien drop :5,000 ~ 17,000 Dien

- Ancient Ruins

Can Drop:
1xRacaoo Boots1xArang-chaoo Skirt

1xRacaoo Pants1xKarisha Skirt

1xArang-chaoo Gauntlet1xRacaoo Glove

1xArang-chaoo Boots1xKarisha Boots

1xSwan Mask1xArang-chaoo Upper Armor

1xRacaoo Upper Armor1xKarisha Upper Garment

1xPeacock Mask1xKarisha Sleeve

1xForest Soul Sign1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xA Piece of Elephant leather1xScroll(Fury of Mankut)

1xHai-ring L5(+1)1xScroll(The Diary of Kanar)

1xScroll(Kamshakata)1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xA Piece of Ebony1xA Piece of Sharkskin


1xScroll(Weapon of Kanar)1xScroll(Armor of Kanar)

1xMysterious Powder of Kanar2xMysterious Powder of Kanar

1xA Piece of Woolen2xA Piece of Woolen

1xMutation Scale1xScroll(Rian Village)

1xScroll(Rian Village)1xScroll(Forest of Darkness)

1xScroll(Forest of Chaos)1xScroll(Entrance of Swamp)

1xScroll(Swamp of Death)1xScroll(Yerden)


1xHai-ring L51xHai-ring L7

1xHai-ring L81xHai-ring L9

2xHai-ring L4(+1)1xHai-ring L6(+1)

1xHai-ring L7(+1)2xHai-ring L4(+2)

1xHai-ring L5(+2)1xHai-ring L6(+2)

1xHai-ring L7(+2)1xHai-ring L8(+2)

1xA Piece of Silk2xHai-ring L4

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xHai-ring L8(+1)

1xHai-ring L6