Attribute :Yelba
Level :200
Movement :Moderate
HP :2,500,000
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :240,000
Minimum defense :650
No crit. defense :850
Minimum damage :110 HP
Attack speed :1 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :110 HP/sec
Dien drop :1,250,000 ~ 3,000,000 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 500 HP
If you kill this monster you'll receive 500 MP
This monster respawns after 15 minutes.

- Watdorn

Can Drop:
1xPeacock Cloak1xArang-chaoo Upper Armor

1xRacaoo Upper Armor1xKarisha Upper Garment

1xForest Soul Skirt1xPeacock Bracer

1xSwan Cloak1xForest Soul Cloak

1xSwan Shield1xPeacock Shield

1xSwan Gauntlet1xForest Soul Sleeve

1xPeacock Pants1xSwan Skirt

5xHai-ring L8(+2)1xViol's Eye+2

1xViol's Eye+12xJade

2xAmber Crystal5xHai-ring L9

3xHai-ring L9(+1)3xHai-ring L9(+2)

1xA Piece of Bamboo1xBone of Hades

1xSoul's Wing