(250)Legendary Firzen
Attribute :Yelba
Level :250
Movement :Fast
HP :2,500,000
HP regen :290 HP/sec
EXP :220,000
Minimum defense :700
No crit. defense :800
Minimum damage :180 HP
Attack speed :1.3 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :234 HP/sec
Dien drop :300,000 ~ 500,000 Dien

Can transform from:
(250)Champion Firzen

Can Drop:
2xPurple Ore2xRed Ore

2xFire Orb2xProphecy Orb

2xCrystal of Mir +32xCrystal of Ohra +3

2xCrystal of Tar +32xCrystal of Yelba +3

2xDream Orb2xMystery Orb

2xRed Fur2xPurple Ore

2xRed Ore2xFire Orb

2xProphecy Orb2xCrystal of Mir +3

2xCrystal of Ohra +32xCrystal of Tar +3

2xCrystal of Yelba +32xDream Orb

2xMystery Orb2xRed Fur